Taranaki Long Range Shooters & Join My Hunt
Graeme from Taranaki Long Range Shooters
Ras from Join My Hunt
Starting us off, a good chat with the lads.
If you are looking for a community to join and get out shooting. Check out the Taranaki Long Range Shooters Group – these guys have grown in size rapidly, setting up regular gong shoots and competition and forming a very active online community.
Beretta NZ and SportEar
Protect those ears! I like the fact these are actually custom tuned to your hearing.
Beretta NZ, Tikka, Sako – the new T1X!
The 22LRs are coming! But we get a first look at the T1X platform.
Simon Gillice from Gillice Practical Events
Get down to one of his shoots soon!
Twin Needle
Twin Needle (and I just spotted a new website!)
Day Two, Matt and I have a chat.
Andrew from Legend Hunting Gear (Movie Armourer)
Part of the firearms community you don’t always hear much about.
Steve from Southford Labs
Looking forward to playing with the new stock! (Especially when I get my mitts on a leftie!)