Diary of the amateur fisho.

So, while it might seem a sudden departure from the regular content, like many things in life, it's more a rediscovery of something old.


I ‘grew up’ – meaning spent most weekends – at the top of the Coromandel – we had the classic Kiwi Batch up at the top of Port Charles. In fact, the road it was/is on – Adler Hill Road – well – the ‘Ad’ is for Adams – my family name – as it was my father and the other residents at the time that named the road.

So, we grew up with phenomenal fishing right on our doorstep. However, it also spoilt me a bit. So as I got back into fishing, and didn’t have a boat, land-based fishing has been a relatively steep learning curve. We simply threw bait (the Kahawai we caught on the way out) over the side of the boat and reeled up Snapper. Sure. I have no doubt it wasn’t actually that easy, but fond memories regardless.

Getting back into it has been a fun challenge – and sort of started with another visit back up to that very same bach – which is now, as it turns out available on Book-A-Bach – so we also head back up there in a couple of weeks time!

That’s not to say I haven’t done any fishing in the last 30 odd years – with friends living in Leigh/Parkari and now the Whangamata Area – I have dropped a line now and then. Enough that there has always been a rod and reel (or two) in the house. Its just that something sparked again up in the Coromandel, and I decided it was something I would like to do a bit more. Compound that afterwards with lockdown, and fishing is now something I am doing a lot more of!

It’s been cool to have something else to read up on, learn and put into practice. With the limited amount of shooting I have been able to do, and the limited amount of new things I can learn (without putting them into practice) fishing appealed as a new challenge to figure out and master.

Results have certainly been limited up to this point!

I console myself by saying I am just catching up on the hours I need to invest before I regularly start catching anything – though I am also busy overthinking tackle, bait and fishing spots!

I have been trying a variety of fishing methods and places – off the beach, rocks, wharf, reading about spots on line, then headed out to check them out.

I have seen a few interesting trends online – I am talking about pages and groups where fishing folk tend to congregate – someone outside of Auckland asks for a spot to head to, and plenty of suggestions pop out – someone inside Auckland, and its becomes a case of ‘it’s more rewarding to find you own spots’.

Now, this is true – but maybe more useful – is information regarding why a certain popular spot is popular – is it just habit, or or there specific terrain features that potentially make it more productive.

This is why some of the local content from Reel Kiwi Fishing has been so useful for me – Jason goes beyond tackle (that that information is also very useful) – and explains – in relation to Surf Fishing – what to look for at the beach – where the good spots are likely to be – so that you can have a bit more of an educated guess when you are looking for places to head to. While it is true there is also plenty of international content – it’s nice seeing local geography in the background!

It’s also been awesome getting back out early in the morning or late in the evening to watch the sun come up and head down. Particularly set over a large body of water. There is something obviously picturesk and calming about the scene.

Of course – it’s also led to me starting to figure out some new methodology – and some stuff – like how to haul around a pile of gear – has feed nicely into the tramping/hunting background – it helps to have a couple of backpack load-haulers lying around!

Take a kid fishing

It’s been nice to also have the girls out a few times as well – the older girl is a bit more keen than the younger – but I am also being careful to not ‘force’ my renewed interest on them. I am very keen to spend time with them, and figure fishing is a nice ‘wholesolme’ way to do it – but I still don’t want to push them into doing something they actually dont want to do, just to please dad. I figure if I nurture it, rather than force it, we I am likely to end up with kids that actually enjoy spending time with me, rather than feel like they need to out of obligation.

I have also – of course – used the trips to gather some photos and video! Though – like many things – I need to remind myself to actually take more – I really like the post production editing process – maybe moreso than the actual filming – but if you don’t have stuff to work with, it’s hard to edit down to nice stories to share with people!

However – I get a bit done! 😉

Hopefully, I am adding my own bit of flavour to the videos – and have a bit of a vision forming in the head as to how I would like them to head. Not your avergae fishing show, that is for sure!


So – of all the land based fishing methods – surfcasting was the most foreign – though – despite limited actual success – it is quickly becoming one of my favourites – something about being on the beach, wading into the water, hearing the surf – it’s all very pleasing to the senses. It also means I get to drive the truck on the sand – which is always fun.

I have been heading out to both Karioitahi and Murawai – both West Coast Auckland Beaches. I think Murawai is slightly in the lead in regards to preferences – but – that’s probally due to a couple of windy days at Karioitahi and dragging a pile of weed up on the lines! But either way, enjoying the sunsets immensly!

So, lots more to learn, lots more fishing to do!

If you are in the Auckland area, and keen to catch up on the Rocks, or Beach or even at a Wharf with the kids at some point – feel free to get in touch! I am keen to catch up, to learn, or just to share a yarn – and while I also enjoying having a place to myself, have already met some very good blokes while out fishing!


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