A day out in the 110…

Was a busy Sunday for myself and the girls. I had a list of jobs to get done, I say jobs, but none of them was too stressful, well, except for the fact I have a cold and had spent around six hours the previous day talking to licence applicants in a non-stop presentation.

Anyhow, we packed up the truck, grabbed some food, and headed out west, were most of our adventures for the day were based.

Club Grading

The first point of call was the grading day for the Land Rovers Owners Club of Auckland. This is a regular ‘audit’ of the club vehicles in regards to suitability to head out on club adventures.

I recently joined the club, because I figured it was a good way to find some adventures to go on, and, for me, its also a fact finding mission – as a group of fanatic owners, in person, in one place, is a wealth of knowledge, things tried (both good and bad) and a great way to sift through the piles of knowledge you can come across online.

I knew the major thing I need to get sorted out was recovery points for the new truck. From factory, in some ways, strangely, the Defenders don’t really feature solid enough points for a recovery – lash points, yes, snatch points? No.

So, I talked with the folks, and we now have a couple of options. Because the front of the truck already has a steering guard in place (of sorts), the standard Jate Rings quite possibly won’t fit into the factory spots. Which is a pain.

While I intend long term to replace the bumper on front with a winch bar and have the recovery points on there, I do need to get something done in the meantime. If I can find a slightly wider than normal Jate ring, we are all good. Mission on!

Longer Laders

We then made a quick detour over to the folks at Feldon Shelter – we have been running one of their rooftop tents for a couple of years now, and it’s awesome – but it’s been on the Ford Explorer – which is a lot shorter (like, a lot) – so the first time I set it up having moved it over, I was a little surprised to find that the ladder up to the tent wouldn’t even touch the ground!

A quick eMail, and an extension was sorted. Now it won’t be floating and not supporting the tent like it was!

Polaris 4WD Park

I had wanted to head out to the Polaris 4WD Park for a bit – I had actually been out previously – but managed to get the opening dates wrong – so, having double checked on the website that it was open, that was our final destination.

After a quick stop in to see Roger and crew (I have to assume that is your twin Roger!) we had our map (quickly seconded by my 3 year old) and we were off.

This Park, really is a park – it’s a lot larger than I realised. Nestled in the heart of the Woodhill forest, it really is a 4wd playground.

I really wasn’t sure what to expect. And was impressed. It’s not just a drive down a dirt road, so don’t take anything that doesn’t have some decent clearance – but – at the same time, the tracks are clear enough that, unless you really do something stupid (just take your time) – you won’t get stuck on the main tracks – and – have a great adventure as the same time.

I do admit, I got a little lost – I think partly because I didn’t quite understand how the park and the supplied map was laid out. I will head back soon, with mapping software in hand (or on app at least) and see if I cant make things clearer – for both myself and any of you folk headed in there.

If you want to really see what your 4WD will do – there are many different grades of track available – and along with trucks, or all types, there were a couple of side by sides and some very modified trucks. Several petrol Landies with a distinct lack of mufflers were also there!

There is dirt, forest, mud, sand, some man-made challenges – a bit of everything. We spend around three hours there, and I don’t feel we explored even half of the park. I also note they do some night driving – which would also be a lot of fun.

We drove a bit, stopped, snacked, drove some more, had lunch, it was a good day out. I can imagine, especially if there were a couple of trucks and a couple of radios, that it would be even more fun.

I will be back, with a couple of cameras, and my tour guide voice at the ready I think!


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