Prac Med

TagsPrac Med

Stop the Bleed. Prac Med’s IFAS Kit first look

So, should you, are someone near you have a major issue with losing a LOT of blood, do you have the resources on you to stop it?

PracMed Stop The Bleed Course

Hopefully, by now, I have gotten across the importance of first aid training to all of you. This is not just for shooters or hunters, or parents (I had to hook some food out of my 4 years olds choaking face last night) - but everyone - knowing what to do is 'basic dude stuff' as Patrick McNamara would say.

A chat with Simon from Prac Med

You should know by now that I am big on being prepared to deal with the incidents that can occur - especially when talking hunting, and firearms. So anything I can do to promote what Simon is up to, I will.