Looking for land, again…


If you have been following my attempts to get a range up and going for regular long-range shooting competitions and courses, you will know about the miss-fire that was the range in Onewhero, and, my intentions to lease to purchase some land towards Port Waikato.

Unfortunately, despite having a tentative agreement regarding lease leading to purchase of a block of forestry land, we were recently informed by the real-estate agent that the owner has sold it without notifying them.

To say this was a disappointment would be a massive understatement. There was a significant amount of work put in in regards to evaluating the land, meeting council and planners, establishing the business plan and more. To suddenly have the key element pulled out from under you is a little deflating, to say the least.

However, the work put into it, in the majority, remains valid. We have a business plan, standing-orders, health and safety, risk management and project management plan and much more. We just need the land now!

There are already a few people to talk to regarding something in the interim, and, we are still able to do small scale course up at Balnagownlike the 101 coming up.

However, as always, should you, or someone you know have land that is suitable, please get in touch. We are looking to lease a section for regular use, and I am more than happy to come out and explain the plans and systems in detail.

The goal, ‘short’ term – is to get a weekly, or fortnightly shooting schedule setup – rotating courses, practice days and small competitions – to get some movement and momentum going. Good things take time, but we just need to get some regular shooting going on.


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