We talk about his early career, dealing with the injury and rebuilding his life, the downtimes, finding the outdoors and hunting as a path to recovery, his new mission to help get other veterans out into the bush as well, family, life, gaming and a pile more.
It’s a great chat. Two guys dropping their guard a bit and just talking.
There is so much in here.
- His time serving in the NZ and British Military in Iraq, Afghanistan and Northern Ireland
- ‘Spicy’ Tours and busy times ‘on the job’
- Dealing with IED’s and the mindset it produces
- Joining the Red Devils parachute display team and dealing with a fear of heights (really)
- Separating the people on the ground and the politics that sent them there
- Developing friendships post-deployment
- Men’s search for meaning and purpose – the immediacy of combat and the abstract aspect of modern life
- Finding the mission and the importance of finding the next mission to reintegrate
- Going with the flow vs intention and direction in life
- Dealing with massive injuries, recuperating surrounded by others with drive, finding the new norms
- Instagram ‘influencers’, selling a ‘brand’ and selfies vs. creating content
- Relationships and dealing with splits
- Men’s groups – creating environments to have deep conversations with other men, beyond bravado
- Getting back into hunting and the outdoors, munter hunters, respect for the animal
- SSAANZ – the development of a new charity for Veterans

A couple of other things that were mentioned:
- Kajaki – Kilo Two Bravo
- Old Soldier Meets Young Soldier
- Father Soldier Son
- Tribe – On Homecoming and Belonging by Sebastian Junger
If you want to get hold of David – pop over to Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Association of New Zealand