Firearms Licencing & Law

An update on the Prohibited Firearms and Parts By-Back.

The Police have now released their Buy-Back Price List. Many of you will have already seen this - but I am also away that...

Modifications and clarification on tube magazines for .22 and shotguns.

There have been a few posts floating about regarding the above, and certainly, I am getting a lot of questions, but, until I confirmed with an 'official' page - I didn't want to post anything. But now it is.

An update on the new firearms laws (April 19).

In short, if it's a semi-automatic centre-fire it's prohibited. If it's a shotgun, and the factory tube mag only holds 5 rounds, you are good....

Changes in the Semi-Automatic Classification System

I have been quiet since Friday, and for good reason, but let's try and clear up some of the confusion about today's firearms law announcement.

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