
Please, please, please, let us help you.

I know. It's uncomfortable. But if you don't let us know in advance, we can't do anything about it, and you will have to struggle through the process. If we do know, we can help.

An update on the Prohibited Firearms and Parts By-Back.

The Police have now released their Buy-Back Price List. Many of you will have already seen this - but I am also away that...

Modifications and clarification on tube magazines for .22 and shotguns.

There have been a few posts floating about regarding the above, and certainly, I am getting a lot of questions, but, until I confirmed with an 'official' page - I didn't want to post anything. But now it is.

An update on the new firearms laws (April 19).

In short, if it's a semi-automatic centre-fire it's prohibited. If it's a shotgun, and the factory tube mag only holds 5 rounds, you are good....

Changes in the Semi-Automatic Classification System

I have been quiet since Friday, and for good reason, but let's try and clear up some of the confusion about today's firearms law announcement.

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