Kids Activities

Raising Bookworms: Nurturing a Lifelong Reading Habit in Kids

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.- Dr. Seuss Building a...

Building Leadership in Kids

My kids are chalk a cheese, personality-wise. Both are extremely outgoing, a highly likely to wander up to anyone to say hello and ask...

Building Situational Awareness in Kids

In the age of 24/7 distraction devices that we can hold in the palm of our hand, engineered and refined to grab your attention...

Fishing Rigs for Kids

One thing I have learnt is that time is valuable when it comes to kids. The time you spend with them.The time you don't.The...

Junior Rangers – getting the kids out of the house.

Lockdown again. Only level 3 for the moment, but it suddenly dawns on you that you and the kids haven't actually left the house...

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