BJJ Online: Avoiding the Tutorial Trap and Focusing on Real Progress

Ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu YouTube tutorials, desperately trying to make sense of flying armbars and weird guard passes? Trust me, I've been there. As a blue belt who's survived the online BJJ tutorial chaos, I'm here to cut through the noise and show you how to actually learn something - without losing your mind in the process.

Let me be straight up – I’m still very much learning this whole Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu thing. As a blue belt, I’m nowhere near an expert, but I’ve picked up a few strategies that might help other newbies navigate the overwhelming world of online BJJ resources.

The Overwhelming World of Online BJJ

When I first started looking for online BJJ tutorials, it was like trying to drink from a fire hose. So. Many. Videos. Techniques flying everywhere, and me sitting there thinking, “What the hell am I even looking at?”

My First Mistake: Trying to Learn Everything

Initially, I made the classic beginner error – I tried to absorb every single technique I could find. Armbars, triangles, weird guard passes I couldn’t even pronounce. Result? Total confusion and zero actual learning.

Don't worry - there is plenty more to read.

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