A Kids Guide to Cooking Perfect Spaghetti

I recently told my nine-year-old that she was in charge of dinner.  I would act as sous chef and supply the ingredients, but she needed to decide what to cook. Her choice? Sausages and Spaghetti! What surprised me was that, while I regularly cook up Spaghetti Bolognese for the kids, it had been quite a while since I had done Sausages cut up as 'meatballs' in the sauce. It was a great idea, and we quickly set off to get the ingredients!


We were on a mission, both eager and determined. A list of ingredients was duly prepared – spaghetti, sausages, onions, tomatoes and a dash of spices. This simple list and the thrill of exploration might turn her little culinary adventure into a lifelong hobby. 

Here’s a little tip for all grown-ups: kids are naturally curious, but introducing them to cooking can also help them develop a love for healthy foods early on. It gives them a sense of ownership over their meals, and let’s not even get started on the pure joy of creating something with your own two hands!

The Basic Ingredients for a Perfect Spaghetti

When crafting the perfect spaghetti plate, the devil’s in the detail — and the ingredients, of course! First, we must ensure we’ve got everything we need (because there’s nothing worse than starting a dish and realising you’ve run out of a key ingredient). 

  1. Pasta: Let’s start with the star of the show, spaghetti. Opt for high-quality, durum wheat pasta for the best results. Next time you’re at the supermarket, don’t hesitate to spend a little extra on a better brand; trust us, the results are worth it.
  2. Sauce: Depending on your (or your kid’s) preference, you can choose a classic tomato sauce, a creamy white sauce, or a pesto. Homemade sauces are always the way to go, though jarred ones can save the day in a pinch.
  3. Vegetables or meat: You can add veggies or meat to the sauce depending on your fancy. For a vegetarian option, you might want to consider bell peppers, mushrooms, and courgettes. If you’re after some meat, choose some good beef sausages; cutting them up is a simple way to provide protein.
  4. Seasoning: Garlic, onions, salt, peppers, and your choice of herbs are the foundation of a flavourful spaghetti dish. Go heavy – spices are good!
  5. Cheese: A sprinkle of Parmesan or Pecorino cheese on top finishes the dish with a delicious and irresistible zing.

Mastering the Art of Boiling Pasta to Perfection

Boiling pasta might seem like one of those straightforward tasks that doesn’t need much elaboration. Still, boy, have I seen some interesting interpretations of this simple step! Sometimes, it’s an undercooked crunch or an overcooked, mushy mess; believe me, neither is pleasant. Today, we’ll lift that mystery with a few foolproof steps, turning you into a pasta-boiling whizz! 

  • Fill Your Pot with Ample Water: How can we start the party without water? So, grab your largest pot, fill it with water and plonk it on the hob. You need quite a bit of water because each strand of spaghetti needs room to swim around freely. If they’re packed in too tightly, they’ll stick together, ending up in a rather unappetising clump.
  • Salt the Water – Generously!: Did you know that when we say “salt the water,” we genuinely mean really salt the water? Think of it as the Mediterranean Sea in your kitchen! Don’t worry about oversalting your pasta; most salt will drain with the water. The small bit left will merely seep into your spaghetti, giving it a nice, subtle flavour boost. 
  • Bring the Water to a Boil: Patience is a virtue, my friends! Crank that heat up until you have a rapid, rolling boil going. You can’t rush this step because adding your spaghetti into lukewarm water will give it a slimy texture. And we don’t want that, do we? 
  • Adding the Spaghetti: It’s time to let your spaghetti enjoy its hot bath! The trick here is not to break the spaghetti but to hold it over the pot with one end submerged in the water. As the submerged end softens, gently push the remainder into the pot. Voila! You have whole pieces of spaghetti cooking uniformly and ready to absorb your sauce beautifully! 
  • Keep Your Eye on the Clock: Last but not least, it is important to cook the spaghetti until it is ‘al dente’, which is Italian for ‘to the tooth.’ Too confusing? Just remember your spaghetti should still have a little bite to it, neither too hard nor too mushy. So, keep an eye on the time (usually around 8-10 minutes), taste a strand or two towards the end of the cooking time, and then drain immediately once it’s done! 

And there you have it, perfectly cooked spaghetti! Trust me, your spaghetti dishes will reach a new level with these steps.

Should you rinse your Spaghetti once cooked?

I often hear one question from first-time spaghetti cooks: “Should I rinse the spaghetti after it’s cooked?” That’s a brilliant question, and I’m so glad you asked! 

Rinsing, you see, is one of those little cooking debates where we all have a different stance. Yet in my experience (and quite several Italian chefs would agree!), it’s generally best not to rinse your pasta after cooking. 

Why? Remember that the starchy water from cooking, clinging to the pasta surface, plays an important role in helping the sauce adhere to the spaghetti. So, when you rinse your pasta, you wash away all the lovely starch, making your spagbol a bit less saucy (and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?). 

There’s one exception, though. Give it a good rinse if you’re making a cold pasta salad. This eliminates stickiness and keeps the temperature down. 

Addition of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Yay or Nay? 

Speaking of pasta questions, what about adding olive oil to the pot while the spaghetti is cooking or after it’s drained? Here’s the scoop: Adding olive oil isn’t unnecessary when cooking spaghetti

Although it’s a widespread belief that adding oil prevents the pasta from sticking together, this isn’t entirely accurate. What truly makes a difference is stirring your pasta frequently while cooking. This keeps your spaghetti slip-slidey and prevents clumping. 

Plus, like rinsing, adding oil can prevent the sauce from clinging to your spaghetti, leading to less tasty results. We might drizzle a bit in when serving for that glossy look and extra flavour, but otherwise – no oil is necessary!

Sauce Secrets: Elevating Your Spaghetti Game

Now that we’ve mastered the art of cooking pasta and learned about the essential ingredients, it’s time to unravel the secrets of a great sauce. It’s a well-known truth (at least among us spaghetti aficionados) that the sauce can make or break your spaghetti masterpiece. So, grab your aprons and let’s get saucy! 

  • Choosing a Base for Your Sauce: You might be wondering, what’s in a base? Quite a lot! The base of your sauce is what provides the primary flavour. There are four main bases you might pick from: tomato, cream, oil, and butter. Tomato is the classic choice, and for good reason—it’s rich, acidic, and perfectly complements the subtle sweetness of the pasta. But don’t be afraid to experiment with others, particularly if you’re feeling a bit posh and fancy a cream or truffle oil base. 
  • The Importance of Fresh Ingredients: Remember when I got lost in that outdoor market in Italy last summer, only to stumble upon a stand selling the freshest tomatoes I’ve ever seen? They transformed my pasta sauce like you wouldn’t believe. Fresh ingredients are truly the secret sauce to your sauce! So, try your best to use fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic, and herbs instead of their canned or dried counterparts. 
  • Cooking Your Sauce: Slow and Steady Does It: We do not want to rush the sauce. And, let’s face it, savouring the smell of simmering sauce is half the pleasure of cooking spaghetti. It’s relaxing and therapeutic and makes the wait worthwhile. So, simmer your sauce on low heat, stirring occasionally to allow the ingredients to meld together beautifully. Even if you feel impatient and can’t wait to dive in (totally understandable), resist the urge to crank up the heat. 
  • Tasting and Adjusting the Flavours: Do a taste test before serving. Does it need a little more salt? Perhaps a squeeze of lemon for brightness or a pinch of sugar to balance out the tomato’s acidity? Trust your tastebuds—they’ll guide you to the perfect seasoning.

My fellow sauce enthusiasts, our spaghetti sauce secrets are out in the open. With these tips up your sleeve (or should I say, splattered on your apron), you can elevate your spaghetti game to fabulous new heights. Get cooking, and remember to enjoy the journey—it’s as satisfying as the meal itself! Well, almost. 

Adding Flavour with Herbs and Spices

Now that we’ve covered the importance of sauce and pasta, it’s time to add some ‘oomph’ with herbs and spices. Often overlooked as mere garnish, herbs and spices can make or break your spaghetti experience. After all, the little things often bring out the big flavours, right? 

Imagine you’re an artist. Your spaghetti is your canvas, and the herbs and spices are your vibrant palette. It’s time to get creative! 

The Staples: Meet our quintessential herbs 

Basil and oregano are our usual go-to’s for traditional Italian spaghetti. Reminiscent of sun-ripened terraces in Sicily or Tuscany, these herbs invite the essence of Italy straight to your plate. 

Basil (or basilico, as Italians would call it) is the undisputed queen of herbs when it comes to spaghetti. Its sweet, peppery flavour adds a wonderful freshness to any tomato-based sauce. Remember to add it towards the end of cooking to keep its flavour vibrant. 

And what of oregano? It’s the unsung hero of our spaghetti tale. It brings a warm, earthy aroma and a slightly bitter, pungent taste that compliments tomatoes’ sweetness. 

Spices: Adding a kick 

Your spice rack is your treasure chest as you add a kick to your spaghetti. Garlic, red chilli flakes, and black pepper are all you need to start with. Don’t underestimate these humble spices! Cooked garlic has a sweet, nutty taste. As for chilli flakes and black pepper provide a spicy, zingy contrast to the rich, sweet tomato sauce – invigorating the taste buds on a whole other level! 

But wait! One word of caution – balance is key. Like an overzealous artist, it’s easy to get carried away when painting with flavours. Take it steady and slow, adding a bit at a time and giving a good old taste test as you go along. Remember – you can always add, but you can’t take away! 

The Extras: Herbs that deserve a mention 

Want to break away from the traditional basil-oregano cabal? No shame in that! I’ve often ventured into the ‘herb unknown’ myself. Rosemary and thyme are brilliant in intimate quantities. And let’s not forget bay leaves, lending a subtle, earthy flavour to the sauce long simmering on the stove. 

Bellissimo! We’ve ventured into the world of herbs and spices, adding a colourful, flavourful touch to our masterpiece of spaghetti. Next, we will delve into the art of plating and presentation. Just as an artist wouldn’t splatter paint willy-nilly, we must carefully plate our spaghetti. (More on that in the next section.) Until then, have fun experimenting with these seasonings.

Serving Spaghetti with Style: Plating and Presentation Tips

Spaghetti might be a simple food, but don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You have made an ordinary pasta but a masterpiece with all the love and care you’ve poured into it. Serving it in style will enhance its appeal and make it more enjoyable. Let’s explore some easy tips that even adults sometimes fumble with (and yes, it’s okay). 

Bed of Sauce 

Here’s a wonderful tip. Ever wondered why restaurant spaghetti has lovely pools of sauce at the base, while at home, the sauce often sits on top, all lonely? I used to wonder that until I discovered the secret – serve sauce first, pasta second. Reserve some sauce at the bottom of your plate before placing your spaghetti. It creates a delightful bed of sauce for your spaghetti and ensures you’ll have a nice and tasty end to your meal rather than a disappointing dry heap of pasta. 

The Twirl Factor 

You’ve seen it in food shows, the art of pasta twirling! It’s not just a fancy restaurant trick but also gives pasta a professional touch at home. Use a ladle or a long-pronged fork to create that Instagram-worthy pasta pile. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t turn out perfectly (even if I don’t always get it right). The important thing is we are having fun doing it. Plus, if you get some pasta to twirl around your fork later on, it’s a win-win! 

The Garnish 

Lastly, we can’t forget the icing on the cake – our garnish. A sprinkle of parmesan or pecorino cheese on top could do wonders, believe me (when was the last time adding cheese made anything worse?). A sprig of fresh basil or a pinch of chopped parsley can make your spaghetti visually stunning and add a vibrance of flavour. 

And there you have a few simple tips for serving your spaghetti with style. Even though you’re a beginner on the culinary scene now, remember: every chef (even the famous ones) started somewhere (probably in a kitchen not unlike yours). So keep experimenting, have fun, and bon appétit!

The History and Origins of Spaghetti: Fun Facts to Share

Ready for some spaghetti trivia to impress your mates at dinner? Let’s delve into some steaming hot facts about our beloved spaghetti! 

Spaghetti: A Tale of Long Strands and Long History 

Ever found yourself twirling a long piece of spaghetti around your fork and wondered where it all began? Well, I have an interesting tale for you. Although we often link spaghetti with Italy, its roots (much like a well-cooked spaghetti strand) stretch far and wide. 

Some believe that spaghetti was introduced by Marco Polo, the famous explorer, after his travels to China during the 13th century. The Chinese had been refining the art of pasta-making for years, so it seemed natural that Marco Polo would bring this skill back home. But here’s a twist – Italian references to pasta dishes predate Mr. Polo’s China trip, suggesting pasta was being enjoyed in Italy even before then! Talk about a culinary plot twist! 

From Family Kitchens to Factories: Spaghetti Production 

Did you know that until the 19th century, spaghetti was primarily a homemade delight? It would be rolled out, cut into long strands, and then hung out to dry – almost like laundry day at home! But with the Industrial Revolution, spaghetti production shifted from the home kitchen to the factory. Instead of drying in the warm Italian sun, those long strands were spinning on large machines, catapulting the spaghetti we love onto tables worldwide. 

The Birth of Canned Spaghetti 

Spaghetti entered a new era during World War II when canned spaghetti hit the market – think of Heinz! This was a major leap forward for the humble dish as it became known as a quick, simple meal for busy households. It turned the tide for pasta convenience and changed how spaghetti was consumed for generations. 

So, there you have it, a quick whirl around the history of spaghetti – from ancient times to your family dinner table. Next time you twirl your fork around those long strands, remember – you aren’t just eating a delicious meal; you’re taking part in a culinary journey that spans centuries and continents. How’s that for a side serving of enlightenment with your spaghetti?

Life is a combination of magic and pasta.

Federico Fellini


Over a decade of writing and publishing content for you.

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